As wedding planners, let’s face it – we’re always in the mood for love. Maybe that’s why Valentine’s Day is one of our favorite holidays…we really feel quite at home and are firm believers that flowers, chocolates, pretty little gift boxes and heart-shaped love letters should not be reserved for just one day a year […]

Happy New Year, darlings! Here is a peek at our cute branded holiday gifts we put together to thank those who supported us in 2013! The inside of our goodie boxes featured a gold foil thank you card, champagne split of Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial with a cute black and white striped sipping straw attached […]

This morning I had the pleasure of attending The Love Brunch at the Hay-Adams Hotel. It has become a super cute annual tradition for the Top of the Hay to play host to a plethora of DC’s lovely wedding planners for brunch on Valentine’s Day. It was so fun seeing everyone pretty in pink – and […]

Sources: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3, Image 4, Image 5, Image 6, Images 7,8, 9: Southern Weddings