Raspberry French Toast à la Maison Ladurée I can confidently say this recipe will change your life – no, really…it will. My hubby doesn’t even care for french toast, but he licks his plate clean with this dish every. single. time. Let me clarify – this isn’t your average French Toast…and if you’ve ever head […]

We’re SO excited that this has been the first official week in our new studio! We have dreamt for almost a year of finding the perfect space to suit our needs in the perfect location, and we couldn’t have asked for better. Studio Milk is located in a historic building in the heart of Old Town, Alexandria right […]

It’s official – I’m 30!! Let’s be honest, I was always kind of scared of turning 30 (jokingly, I asked one of my friends a few hours before the party if she was “coming to my funeral…to mourn my youth!”) 😉 It’s like the fun part of your life is over…or so I thought. But if you can’t […]

We are so excited to see our clients wedding featured in the newest issue of Martha Stewart Weddings Magazine! Elizabeth and Cody had a beautiful wedding at The Meridian House in Washington, DC. Elizabeth is a professional ballerina and her family has lived overseas in Europe (francophiles after my own heart!) We wove elements of both french […]