Raspberry French Toast à la Maison Ladurée I can confidently say this recipe will change your life – no, really…it will. My hubby doesn’t even care for french toast, but he licks his plate clean with this dish every. single. time. Let me clarify – this isn’t your average French Toast…and if you’ve ever head […]

PARIS PERFECT In route to our destination wedding in Provence this summer, we built in a few days in to enjoy Paris before heading south. All photos by my talented hubby, Eric Parekh, on his Leica M6 with Kodak Portra 400 film! A few photos from my iPhone mixed in…but those will be obvious 🙂 […]

Photos by: KT Merry While we can’t show much of our wedding day in Paris due to it being published in Martha Stewart Weddings sometime this year, we wanted to at least share a peek at our cozy rehearsal dinner! The menu was yummy typical french bistro fare – perfect for a rainy, fall night […]